Test Automation Software /Automated Testing Tools

Cross Device – Cross Platform

T-Plan’s Test ANYthing, ANYwhere Automation Software can run the same tests across different devices, and different platforms; at the same time.

  • Robot does not require any modification to the system under test (SUT) or application under test (AUT).
  • Test as a user would control or operate the system, application or device. Utilise human like automation to drastically reduce the effort of cross-device and cross-platform software testing.
  • Run the same script across any browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE), any desktop environment (Windows, Mac, Linux).

GUI / Desktop Test Automation

T-Plan Robot is technology agnostic. Any system running Java is supported for our automation technology.

As Robot fully supports Java as a programming language, we guarantee that you will find more people skilled in Java, than any proprietary scripting language supported by other vendors.

  • This makes your resourcing easier and more expandable across multiple locations, and off shoring of resource also should this be a consideration.

Mobile Test Automation

Automate iOS and Android devices from any host operating system supporting Java.

No application authoring to include test tool hooks. I.e. NO Source Instrumentation (compile-time) code required.

  • True production environment readiness can be achieved, as no foreign code has been included into the application for testing.

Web Browser Test Automation

Robot can automate the testing of all browsers. Cross Browser Test Automation is achieved by recording a generic script and using image collections to verify the web application under test of any technology.

  • Robot supports most web technologies including HTML5, Silverlight, jQuery, Javascript, .Net etc.