The Seven Deadly Sins


In checking back through some presentations we have given over the years… I found a slide pack given by our CEO at the Sydney Australia Testing Tools Fair many moons ago.

I have copied the headline items below as I still believe they stand the test of time, even to this day!

1) Not agreeing the Testing Stages

Need a “Strategy”

2) Not identifying resource requirements

Need a “Plan”

3) Not clearly defining the scope

Need “Exit Criteria”

4) Not establishing the purpose of each script

Need “Minimum Effort”

5) Not establishing suitable automation

Need “Maximum Efficiency”

6) Not knowing where you are

Need “Control”

7) Not identifying problem areas

Need “Incident Management”

Implementation of successful testing processes must include:

  • A strategy and detailed Plan
  • Establishing ‘What’ and ‘How’ to achieve the testing
  • Optimisation using appropriate testing tools
  • Management and Control of the Testing Process
  • Management and control of the Incidents
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